  • If you are citizen of an European Union member nation, you may not use this service unless you are at least 16 years old.



Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 8 months ago

hi bloggers...

i am sangeet, a chef by profession

the other day i saw an article about extrabed, and i am pretty impressed with the concept of providing an accommodation to a totally strange person

so all u guys out there who want to know more can call me on my cell 9823643551....



Hello bloggers,


I'm Gary. My wife Sheetal and I are from Margao in Goa. Same as Sangeet, I saw the article in the paper and thought that it was a cool concept. We are both working and usually off in the morning by 9. I have 2 sons, older boy Daniel (5yrs) younger is Ashton (4 months as of 14th feb 07). My offer is open for couples/girls/well mannered cool chaps, no alcohol, no smoking. Currently we don't have a maid, as the earlier one left to get married (Good for her :-) ) still desperately searching for one. any contacts from any other bloggers would be welcome. but once we have a maid, you need not worry about the laundry and meals either. till then bear up fellows. My wife and kids would be happy to have u over for a few days. I can only offer mattresses for the night though in an extra room. feel free to call me to find out too. My cell no. 9822124124 (call after 6:00 pm, preferably).You can also mail me at gary_chandy@yahoo.com.

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