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Page history last edited by mathew manta 15 years, 10 months ago

anybody who's looking for some help can call get in touch with me on asharch@gmail.com. BTW, I'm gay!


Hi, I'm Rakesh Sharma, living at Safdarjung. You can call me at 997363636.

Hey , I am Abhishek( www.banaras.blogspot.com , www.shackcoffeeco.wordpress.com ). I live in Noida which is a suburb of Delhi. Public Conveyance is not easy to get though Taxis and Three Wheelers are avaialble to and from Noida. Kindly write to me a week in advance as I travel at times. You can write me at abhishekraiji@hotmail.com.


Hi, I'm Prashant Singh, I live in Noida . I have a Two Bedroom Apartment which i share with a Friend .I can accommodate Max of Two people over weekend . Love to meet Interesting people and have informative conversation with them. You can write to me at pacificleo-AT-Gmail-DOT-COM. I will appreciate if you give me a lead time of week.

Comments (2)

Anonymous said

at 9:13 am on Oct 19, 2007

I am coming to Delhi....
I do not know how will get help in finding a bed for me...

Anonymous said

at 4:45 pm on Oct 23, 2007

On clicking the name of the city i'll be going to visit, There isn't any list appearing from where i can find out who all are willing to offer a place.

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